Jamb Direct Entry Brochure pdf Download
If you are a Direct Entry (DE) and you are looking for where to download the current jamb direct entry brochure for 2017 jamb registration, then you are at the right place.
Jamb brochure is a document that gives the guideline of everything you need to know to successfully register for Direct Entry (DE). These include all the available institutions and courses, the O Level subjects requirements as well as other needed requirements.
Click the link below to download a jamb direct entry brochure.
Specific Entry requirement and other information for individual Universities
List of Degree Awarding Institutions
List of course for College of Education
List of schools for College of Education
List of schools for Polytechnic
Jamb Brochure for Different Faculties
Faculties of Education
Faculties of Engineering
Faculties of Law
Faculties of Medical Science
Faculties of Science
Faculties of Social Science
Complete Jamb Brochure can be downloaded HERE